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Wine in Moderation
© 2003 Fincas Patagónicas S.A.

Contacto Bodegas

Tel (+54 261) 4900202/115
Ruta Provincial N° 15 (Vieja Ruta N° 40), km 32
(5507) Agrelo, Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza, ARGENTINA

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Jean C, Berrouet

Consultant Winemaker

"With a life full of passion for poetry as well as wine, his philosophy in wine is the expression of terroir, favouring the elegance over the extraction."

Jean Claude Berrouet was the first permanent winemaker at Chateau Petrus in 1964. After 44 crops in one of the most famous wineries in the world, he retired and continued as a consultant of the family Moueix, owner of the Chateau.

We are proud of having his vision as exclusive consultant for Argentina.

Bodega ZOLO: Monday to Friday, 10 am, 11.30 am, 3 pm. Saturdays and holidays from 10am & 11:30 pm
turismo@tapiz.com.ar - (+54 9 261) 3647814VISITS & TASTINGS


Wapisa Winery: for visits & tastings, please send us an email to wapisaturismo@gmail.com or a whatsapp message to +54 9 2920 48-7778

Ruta Provincial N° 15 (Vieja Ruta N° 40), km 32
(5507) Agrelo, Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza, ARG - OPEN MAP